
DIY: Handmade Buttons / Botones de porcelana

Hi! Today I bring another tutorial! more handmade embellishment! 
Hola!! Hoy traigo otro tutorial! y es de embellishment!

Some time ago many people ask me about the button I made on this card, so now I decided to make a tutorial on how to make it.
Hace un tiempo atrás hice una tarjeta (iba a poner el link pero saque las fotos porque la van a poner en una revista <-- toda una historia a parte que ya les contaré jaja) En fin, la tarjeta tenía un botón hecho a mano, y varias de ustedes me preguntaron como hacerlo así que decidí hacer un pequeño tutorial explicandolo!

The process is really simple, you will need:

Es muy muy simple, los materiales que van a necesitar son:
Maicena (almidón de maiz), un palito de amazar, una boquilla o cualquier cortante chiquito que tengan, una aguja y porcelana fría.

First take the icing nozzle (a small cookie cutter will work to, you can make it of any shape you want) and pass it throught the cornstarch, in this way it wont stick in the polymer clay:

Primero pasen la boquilla o el cortante por la maicena así no se pega en la porcelana a la hora de cortarlo, después simplemente lo cortan.

Now just cut the circle in the polymer clay and made two holes (or four) with a needle. Let it dry and the painted with acrylic paint. Now you have a beautiful handmade button!!

Y seguido de esto le hacen los dos agujeritos (o si quieren 4) con la aguja.
Lo dejan secar y luego lo pintan con acrílico de la manera que quieran! no es super simple!?

As you can see is really really simple! and there are so many possibilities! I like to have white one so as when scrapbooking I painted of the color I need in the moment, they are really handy!

Hay muchísimas posibilidades! A mi me gusta tener botones en blanco así cuando estoy haciendo algún LO o alguna tarjeta lo pinto del color que necesito en el momento! son super prácticos y te sacan del apuro jaja!

Hope you enjoy this little tutorial!
You know I love to hear what you think about! so leave a comment (:

Espero que les haya gustado y como ya saben me encanta saber que opinan, asi que dejenme su comentario (:

Love, Agus

More DIY here!
  1. Una gran idea Augus, gracias por el tuto. Tus botones te quedaron divinos!!!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. Your buttons are fantastic! I will definitely be making some of these!!! Pinning it.

  3. Hey these are so nice! I'm gonna try them out with kids too!
    Love yr blog!

  4. Thanks for linking up with me on Wow Us Wednesday!

  5. Love the project, but you might be missing the list of materials in English.

  6. These buttons are so cute! But may be I missed a warning about never using anything that's touched polymer clay on food ever again. The rolling pin, icing nozzles etc... can never be used with food again so buy them cheap at the Dollar Store :) I also have a cheap toaster oven I use just to bake my polymer clay.

  7. Great project! I'm excited to try this out for my sewing projects.

  8. Love your buttons! Thanks for the tutorial.
    You're one of my 10 random finds from the Moxie Fab World blog list! Lovely so see what you've been creating.

  9. Lindos botões, parabéns !!!
    abraços Jane

  10. Coisa mais linda, Agus! Parabéns pelo trabalho!

  11. Thanks for another really great idea - don't know why I never thought of this myself! :)

  12. Hermosos! Gracias por compartir

  13. Disculpa mi ignorancia, donde se consigue la porcelana fria?

    1. Podes conseguirla en cualquier artistica!

  14. they're gorgeous! and great that you can use your imagination to make them! one question though... can you use them on clothes ? wondering how they'll keep when being washed...

  15. This is so good. Really into polymer clay DIY these days. Is there any requirements about the material ?


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You can write my and email to at: agustinayornet@gmail.com

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